We went up to visit the Manse today. We mainly wanted to see the back property lines after being staked by the surveyor. We walked around the house; I took some photos.
View of the front of the Manse Back view of the Manse showing off the screen porch Back view of the Manse Southwest corner of the Manse West side of the Manse. The two windows on the first floor are to the dining room. Another view of the front of the Manse, displaying the existing retaining wall. The lower stairs used to have a retaining wall as well. East view of the Manse East view of the Manse The garage. Note the hayloft doors on the left-hand side. View of the Manse from the south corner of the property. Hopefully the two trees are healthy!
The surveyor did a great job of staking the back property line; we now know where the property ends and the Sparta Cemetery begins. In this photo, you can also see one of the old rebar-and-cement fence posts. We’ll have to decide if we want to put in fencing or repair these posts at all.

It’s a little early, but there are already snowdrops popping up around the property. This batch was in the front yard in front of the retaining wall.

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